The Clinic

We want to make your trip to clinic as easy as possible but understand it can be difficult the first time you come, here are some questions people often have.
Sexual Health clinic
Orange Zone, St Helens Hospital,
Marshalls Cross Road, St Helens,
Telephone Number: 01744 646473
Once you have arrived at clinic, we are located on the lower ground floor, the orange zone you can download a map here.
Getting here:
By Bus:
Bus Route: Mersey travel No 32 No 32a No 33 No35 & No17 available from St Helens Town Centre- drops off outside St Helens Hospital.
For more information contact Arriva on 0871 200 2233 or visit
By Car:
A parking fee is payable. Please allow extra time for parking.
Yes, this also includes any treatment you may need too.
All the information in your notes on the computer are strictly confidential. It can sometimes be useful to share your records with your GP but we will not do this without your permission to do so. We will ask you when you attend clinic whether you are happy for us to text you or send letters to your home address or your GP.
If you're 13 to 15 years old, you have the same rights to confidentiality as an adult. This means that we won't tell your parents/carers or anyone else without your permission.
The only time we would tell another professional what you had told us, is if we were seriously concerned about your safety or welfare, for example if:
But we would discuss this with you first and give you all the support you need.
We operate a walk-in service Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm including booked appointments from 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm. If you wish to book an appointment, please call 01744 646 473 to discuss your sexual health needs.
When you call the clinic, we will need to ask some simple questions to register you as a patient. You will be asked:
A clinic number will then be allocated to you. This number (not your name) and your initials are used on any tests carried out.
Once you arrive at St Helen's hospital we are located on the lower ground floor, the orange zone you can download a map here
When you reach the clinic, please ring the bell located on the left-hand side of the door, please only give your name and time of appointment to the member of staff answering the bell. If you do not wish to give details over the intercom please ask to step in to clinic.
We understand that not everyone would like to wait outside of the clinic, so you can request a buzzer. This will allow you to visit the shop within the hospital or the restaurant and when it is time for your appointment, the buzzer will vibrate allowing you to make your way to the clinic. Please do not leave the hospital with the buzzer.
What happens when I'm called in to see the nurse or doctor?
A nurse or doctor will show you into the clinic room to discuss why you have visited the clinic. The doctor or nurse will ask you about your sexual history. Sexual history includes:
You will also be asked about any symptoms, health history and any medications you are taking. Women and people who were assigned female at birth will be asked about periods, cervical screening tests (often called a smear test) and pregnancies. They may also take your blood pressure and record your height and weight.
Depending on why you have come to see us, you may need to be examined. However, your nurse or doctor will discuss this with you. You will be asked if you would like a chaperone, this is another member of staff from our team.
Unfortunately, we are unable to allow friends and family to accompany you into your appointment. We ask that anyone that you are with stays outside in the waiting room. In some circumstances a friend or family member may be allowed in, if this is the case, the nurse/doctor may take you in alone at first and then allow your friend or family member to come in.
Yes. We also have an online free postal condom service. This service is available for people aged 16+ years old and living in St Helens.
We are not just interested in your sexual health. We are interested in anything that might be contributing to your current circumstances. So, we may talk to you about your personal and social circumstances. This might include smoking, weight, alcohol, drugs, mental health, housing or finance. We can point you in the direction of help and support, where that might be useful to you.
Yes, the clinic can arrange an interpreter or telephone interpreting. This will be arranged prior to your telephone appointment or clinic visit
Yes, if you have any disability or require any adjustments to help you attend our clinic, please let the nurse know on the call. We will make sure that your supported throughout the visit.
We understand that sometimes plans change and you may have to cancel or rearrange your appointment. If you no longer need your appointment or need to change the time and date, please let us know as soon as you can so that the appointment can be reallocated to someone else. In addition, to this each missed appointment cost the NHS approximately £120. You can do this by completing the form below.
Click here for the form
While we highly value our patients’ confidentiality, sometimes people miss appointments that are vitally important for their health, or the health of people close to them. We will do our best to contact these people and invite them back to see us at a convenient time but If we can’t get hold of them and the issue is very important, we may write to their GP.
Your feedback is really important to us wherever you have accessed the sexual health clinic, picked up condoms in one of the condom distribution points or seen us at an event. If we’re doing something that you think works well, or a member of staff has provided an excellent service we’d love to know about it.
But it’s equally as important that you give us feedback when your experience hasn’t been as good as you had expected so that we can do something about it. Whatever your feedback there are different ways of letting us know:
If you have a complaint, please contact us.