
No, wearing more than one condom at a time increases the chances of the condom getting damaged and splitting.
Condoms help protect from both unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Hormonal contraception only protects against unplanned pregnancy. We would therefore recommend using both.
Contraception does not make you gain weight, however for some people it can increase their appetite, meaning they eat more food which could lead to weight gain.
Yes, contraception is always free from us, including condoms, lube and emergency contraception.
If you are taking the combined pill and miss a pill, it is recommended that you take the missed pill as soon as possible and then take the next scheduled pill at the normal time, even if this means taking two pills at the same time, it is not recommended that you take more than two pills at the same time.
As the mini pill contains only progestogen, the importance of taking the pill on time is much greater, as contraceptive effectiveness will be lost quicker. If you’ve missed a pill, you will need to take it as soon as you realise and then carry on as normal. You will need to use a barrier method (e.g. condom) of contraception for two days.
With both the combined pill and the mini pill, starting a new course of pills late will greatly reduce your contraceptive protection, and you will therefore have to use barrier contraceptives.
Hormonal contraception only works when used correctly (e.g pill & patch) or whilst fitted and in date (e.g implant & injection). Once you stop using hormonal contraception your fertility returns to normal.
If you have had unprotected sex in the last 120 hours and you don’t want to risk being pregnant, you need emergency contraception. This is available from GUM (St Helens Hospital), the walk-in centre and some pharmacies for free. The sooner you take it the better, but it does not need to be “the morning after”. The copper coil is another option that can be fitted within 120 hours of unprotected sex.